2013 IPPEC Examiner

Dr. Courtney Crappell
Texas UTSA University
Dr. Courtney Crappell, NCTM,
is Assistant Professor of Piano Pedagogy at the University of Texas at
San Antonio (UTSA) where he teaches piano, piano pedagogy, and class piano. In
addition to his teaching activities, he coordinates the class piano program and
maintains the music department¡¦s Piano Pedagogy Resource Center and Group Piano
Teaching Laboratory. A native of south Louisiana, he earned his BM in Piano
Performance at Louisiana State University and then traveled to the University of
Oklahoma (OU) to complete his MM and DMA degrees in Piano Performance and
Pedagogy. During his graduate studies, he was a winner of the OU concerto
competition and also a contributing recording artist for the CD accompanying the
text, The Music Effect: Kindergarten, by Dr. Joy Nelson
Dr. Crappell¡¦s research in piano
literature, piano pedagogy, and ethnomusicology has been featured at
international and national conferences and he is active as a clinician for state
and local teachers in Texas. In 2008, he was invited to join the executive
steering committee of the National Group Piano and Piano Pedagogy Forum (GP3),
and he also serves on the Committee on Collegiate Pedagogy Teaching for the
National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy (NCKP). He has published articles and
reviews in the Music Teachers National Association¡¦s journal, American Music
Teacher, and the online journal, Piano Pedagogy Forum. He is also a
regular columnist for the journal, American Music Teacher. In 2012, his
article, ¡§Preparing Students for Vibrant Classical Sonatina Performances Using
Rote Exercises,¡¨ won the Music Teachers National Association Article of the Year
award. His current research focuses on exploring non-western pedagogical
paradigms within the oral tradition and examining applications to piano study.
An advocate for the seamless integration of technology in the teaching studio
and classroom, Dr. Crappell has presented workshops for collegiate and
independent music teachers introducing pedagogical techniques using digital
keyboards, computer software, Internet utilities, and SMART Board technology. He
is also co-creator and designer of the website findpianoworks.com. The site aims
to systematically catalog piano teaching repertoire and anthologies in an effort
to simplify the literature search process. The ongoing project is in its third
developmental phase and is partially funded by the Charlotte Louise Dashiell and
Lota M. Spell Endowment
Crappell is an active member of the Music Teachers National Association and
serves as the Collegiate Chapters Chair for the Texas Music Teachers
Association. Before joining the faculty at UTSA, he taught piano pedagogy and
class piano at Oklahoma City University. As a graduate teaching assistant at OU,
he taught courses in class piano, secondary applied piano, aural skills, music
theory, and world music. He has maintained a private studio and taught
pre-collegiate and adult students since 1998.