Lydia Tseng
Lydia Tseng畢業於國立臺北藝術大學音樂系,主修鋼琴演奏,先後師事德林傑教授(Dr.
Michael Dellinger)及郭姿妤教授。懷抱著對鋼琴伴奏極大的熱忱、2009年赴美攻讀音樂碩士,獲得獎學金於紐約州伊士曼音樂院(Eastman School of Music, NY)主修鋼琴合作及室內樂(Piano Accompanying and Chamber Music)師承Dr.
Jean Barr。在美深造期間除獲邀參加 Castleman Quartet Program (Boulder, CO)擔任音樂節鋼琴合作家,師事
Heasook Rhee。更獲得全額獎學金參與加州聖塔芭芭拉(Santa Barbara, CA)知名音樂節 Music Academy of the West,師事
Jonathan Feldman。
Tseng旅居新加坡於Mandeville Conservatory of Music專任鋼琴教師,並以鋼琴合作家身份活躍於新加坡各大重要音樂活動。曾於Singapore
String Conference、Flute Festival Singapore、Fresh Air Fine Arts Festival
擔任鋼琴合作家及參與演出,也獲邀為史坦威鋼琴(Steinway)慶祝新加坡建國五十週年音樂會之鋼琴甄選活動,擔任鋼琴合作家。旅居新加坡期間,Lydia Tseng也受邀開辦多次鋼琴大師班,指導學生於國際比賽與國際檢定屢獲優異成績。2020年回到台灣,每年固定與聲樂家推出系列音樂會,並創立音樂工作室,致力於推廣全英語音樂教學,堅信音樂學習不僅僅是音符和技巧,從中亦能增強自律、堅持和決心。經由正確指導,使音樂學習既有趣又有益。
2022年鋼琴檢定將由國際鋼琴檢定委員會之音樂教育總監Dr. Leslie Spotz
與Tarleton State University in Stephenville, TX授權並發予證書:
I, Leslie
Spotz, DMA, as Professor of Piano, Tarleton State University, Stephenville, TX,
USA and as IPPEC Artistic Coordinator of Piano Examiners, IPPEC Advisory Board,
American Representative of International Advisory Board,
American Advisor of Piano Examiners, IPPEC Editor,
Associate Editor, and Editorial Consultant for Repertoire, Literature and
Technique, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC:
It is my
esteemed honor to give my full support to
Lydia Tseng
as Examiner for
the IPPEC 2022 Piano
I hereby authorize her to be the IPPEC Piano Examiner 2022 and further do certify the IPPEC Examination Score.