
Vera Chang



Vera Chang畢業於國立臺北藝術大學音樂系、法國巴黎市立音樂院。曾參加義大利Città di Barletta青年音樂家國際賽,榮獲第三名。旅法期間師事Olivier Gardon教授參與各項演出,多次於巴黎市立音樂院音樂廳演奏和擔任鋼琴合作。並於2015年受邀於巴黎VIARMES 參與VIRTUOSES DU COEUR計畫,舉辦鋼琴獨奏會。


近期除了教學以外,亦與鋼琴家林晏馳共同創辦 Y.c.Pianist推廣古典音樂,不僅擔任不同的說書人角色與故事創作,也參與《日安》一系列的巡迴演出,並於《日安。說音樂》林晏馳鋼琴音樂會當任導聆。



2022年鋼琴檢定將由國際鋼琴檢定委員會之音樂教育總監Dr. Leslie Spotz Tarleton State University in Stephenville, TX授權並發予證書:

I, Leslie Spotz, DMA, as Professor of Piano, Tarleton State University, Stephenville, TX, USA and as IPPEC Artistic Coordinator of Piano Examiners, IPPEC Advisory Board, American Representative of International Advisory Board, American Advisor of Piano Examiners, IPPEC Editor, Associate Editor, and Editorial Consultant for Repertoire, Literature and Technique, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC:

It is my esteemed honor to give my full support to Vera Chang as Examiner for the IPPEC 2022 Piano Examinations.

I hereby authorize her to be the IPPEC Piano Examiner 2022 and further do certify the IPPEC Examination Score.